
be red, reddish, orange.


    Exemples d'usage:

    • Dɔ̀ kɨ́-bɔ̀ɔ́ kìrē.

      The yard lizard's head is red.

    • Màn̄ górō kìrē tà-á.

      The liquid from the kola nut {which he is chewing} made his mouth red.

    • Dɔ̀ wàā kìrē bìwww.

      The millet heads are perfectly ripe.

    • Ngè-ndūgō-bùĺ mbētɨ́ bùĺ lò-ḿ kɨ̀tɔ̄ kìrē-á.

      The cotton buyer rejected my cotton because of the yellow spots in it.