


    Exemples d'usage:

    • Ndì m-ōo mòm àgɨ̀ ùdɨ̀ kɨ̄ ndōrī tɨ́.

      I was watching the python crawling into an old animal hole.

    • Mòm ì līi kɨ́ bòo. ì līi kɨ́ à túr̄ dā̰a̰ kɨ́ bòo bòo-gɨ̄: yàbɨ̀-gɨ̄, dɔ̀gɨ̀-gɨ̄, màn̄g-gɨ̄, dā̰a̰ kɨ́ bòo bòo màdɨ̄-gɨ̄ hō.

      The python is a big snake. It's a snake that can swallow huge animals: hippos, buffalo, cows and other huge animals as well.