
gap between hearthstones into which small logs are inserted


  • dùbɨ̄ kɨ́ mbāa-hīl

    to plant back and forth rather than in straight line

Exemples d'usage:

  • ī-mbél̄ màn̄ mbāa-hīl tɨ́ nòó àĺ, m̄-gèe kɨ̀ m̄-ɗāa hòr tɨ́ tà-jī-gɨ̄-làā.

    Don't pour water in the gaps between the hearthstones, I want to start a fire now.

  • ī-lā kīr kàm mbāa-hīl tɨ́ nò ādɨ̄ ùnjɨ̄ ndéré bè.

    Put the fire wood in the spaces between the hearthstones so that it gets hot quickly.