dried liquid that becomes crusty
ngòn̄g jóo
dried food inside of pot
Exemple:ngòn̄g jóo ì yá̰a̰ sà ngán-gɨ̄.
Dried food in pots is what children eat.
ngòn̄g dòo
crusty surface of sore; scab
ngòn̄g kɔ́n [dèē]
crusty mucus from [s.o.'s] nose
ngòn̄g kùm [dèē]
crust in eyes {from conjunctivitis, etc.}
Exemple:ngòn̄g kùm-ḿ ɔ̀gɨ̄-m̄ tèē kùm-ḿ.
The crust in my eyes is preventing me from opening them.