
onion-like plant commonly used in preparing spells {in part [Pancratium trianthum], in part [Urginea sp.]}


  • ndíjā-gɨ́ná

    onion used against scorpion bites

  • ndíjā-hàng

    onion used as protection against river spirit

  • ndíjā-līi

    onion used against snakes

  • ndíjā-tùbò

    onion used as protection against lion men

  • ndíjā-kɨ̄ngā-kānjɨ̄

    onion used against getting fish bones caught in throat


    m̄-sáā ndíjā-kɨ̄ngā-kānjɨ̄ àdɨ̄ kɨ̄ngā-kānjɨ̄ ɓà kɔ́ɔ́-ḿ àĺ.

    I am looking for this type of fetish onion so that fish-bones will not get caught in my throat.

Exemples d'usage:

  • ndíjā ndìngā-gɨ̄ ì bàdɨ̀ kɨ́ dèē-gɨ̄ à tūwā-n̄-nèé gō ɗóo ndìngā-gɨ̄.

    The twin onion-like plant is an onion used by people to perform the ritual for twins.