
board, plank


  • bàr-tō-kīr

    board for carrying firewood

  • bàr-rìī-wúl̄ (=bàr-kùsɨ̀-wúl̄)

    board for crushing peanuts

  • bàr-púsɨ̄

    planks forming bottom and sides of oxcart

  • bàr-ndā-jóo

    board used to carry pottery

  • bàr-kúndɨ̄

    board used to carry xylophone

  • kɨ́ ī-lá-m̄ ngòō nà̰ bàr rètɨ̀

    seriously, something terrible


    Tàgɨ́-bè nḛ̄ḛ́ màdɨ̄-ɓēe-ḿ-gɨ̄ ɗà kɨ̀ nà̰ā̰ kɨ́ ī-lá-m̄ ngóo nà̰ bàr rètɨ̀.

    Yesterday my neighbor's wives got into a fight that was just terrible.

Exemples d'usage:

  • Dèē-kɨ́-dḛ̀ḛ́-gɨ̄ à tō-n̄ kīr kɨ̀ bàr.

    Women carry firewood with a board.

  • ùr ngòō ndā gír bàr tɨ́ tō-ň kīr.

    She made a headcloth and put it under the board so she could carry firewood with it (on her head).