
cotton [Gossypium sp.]


  • bùĺ-ḭ̀rmá̰à̰

    variety of cotton highly desired in world market


    bùĺ-ḭ̀rmá̰à̰ ì bùĺ kɨ́ à àndɨ̄ ngá̰y.

    It is a type of cotton that produces a lot.

  • bùĺ-kɨ̄rā̰

    cotton-like seeds of kapok tree


    Bùĺ kɨ̄rā̰ yé tɨ́sō ngá̰y ɓó-nèē.

    The cotton-like seeds of the kapok tree are falling all over the place today.

  • mìsē-bùĺ

    extension agent


    mìsē-bùĺ ì sépɨ̀. ì dèē kɨ́ à ndóō kɨ̀là bùĺ dèē-gɨ̄ tɨ́.

    The extension agent is a director. He is someone who teaches the work (of growing) cotton to people.

  • màsīn-ndà-bùĺ

    cotton machine


    Màsīn-ndà-bùĺ dùbɨ̀ bùĺ túpɨ̀ ɔ̀y kɨ̄ tà ngāng-ǹ tɨ́.

    The cotton machine grabbed the bale of cotton and pulled it into its teeth.

  • màsīn-bùĺ

    cotton factory


    màsīn kɨ́ ɗóo Gúrú yé tújɨ́ àdɨ̄ à àw̄-n̄ kɨ̀ bùĺ kɨ̄ Kumrāá.

    The cotton factory on the road to Guru is destroyed so they bring their cotton to Koumra.

Exemples d'usage:

  • Kàmyō̰o̰-gɨ̄ à tō-n̄ bùĺ àw̄-n̄-nèé Kùmbráa kɨ̀tɔ̄ lòo-kɨ̀là-á ɔ̀r̄-n̄ kɔ̄ɔ́ Mā̰ysālāá.

    Trucks transport the cotton to Koumra because they removed the processing plant from Moissala.

  • Dèē-gɨ̄ ndɔ̀ɔ̄-n̄ bùĺ ngá̰y kònī-nḛ̀ḛ̄.

    People have planted a lot of cotton this year.