


  • bìsɨ̄-sáӯ

    used tea leaves, tea grind


    ngán-gɨ̄ à sà-n̄ bìsɨ̄-sáӯ ngá̰y kɨ̀tɔ̄ yīkɨ̄-á.

    Children eat tea leaves a lot because of their sweetness (sugar left in leaves).

  • bìsɨ̄-kàpéè

    coffee grinds

  • bìsɨ̄-kàsɨ̀

    residue of millet beer {used as goat feed or in treating interior of gourds}


    ṵ̄ṵ bìsɨ̄-kàsɨ̀ kàm ngóo tɨ́, ī-ndā-n̄ àdɨ̄ ɗāa ndɔ̄ɔ̄ ngá̰y tā̰á̰ lā ún ī-túgó kàm-á.

    Pour the beer residue into the gourd and let it sit there for many days first and than wash it out.

  • bìsɨ̄-tèjɨ̀

    honey comb from which honey has been extracted


    Dèē-gɨ̄ à sà-n̄ mbàr̄-tèjɨ̀ ànḛ̄ à ɔ̀r̄-n̄ bìsɨ̄-á lā-n̄ kɔ̄ɔ́.

    People chew honey comb and then take out the residue and throw it away.

  • bìsɨ̄-kɨ́-mbéré

    corn husk


    bìsɨ̄ kɨ́-mbéré, kīr gòtóo dá ā ī-ɗāa-ň hòr.

    Corn husk, if there is no firewood you will make a fire with it.

  • bìsɨ̄-yá̰a̰

    rubbish, garbage


    J-àw̄ kɨ̀ bìsɨ̄-yá̰a̰-gɨ̄ ngá̰y kɨ́ màjɨ̀ kàdɨ̄ j-ṵ̀ṵ̄ dɔ̀ bìr-bìsɨ̄-lòo tɨ́.

    We have a lot of garbage, we have to go put it on the garbage pile.

  • bìr-bìsɨ̄-lòo

    garbage pile, garbage dump


    Dà bìr-bìsɨ̄-lòo yé ɓày kɨ̄ dò̰ó̰ ngá̰y.

    The garbage dump is getter a lot higher.

Exemples d'usage:

  • ī-yá̰ bìsɨ̄-á ī-ndā-á.

    Leave the tea leaves (residue of tea) for him.