type of sauce made with sesame flour
Exemples d'usage:
kàndà ì dā̰a̰ à-ké kānjɨ̄ wàń kɨ́ kásɨ̄ kɨ̀ ndùjɨ̄ kór kɨ́ ndīr-n̄ tá̰a̰ tɨ́.
'Kanda' is pounded meat or fish with sesame flour cooked into a sauce.
M-ɔ́sɨ́ dā̰a̰ m-ādɨ̄ kó̰o̰-ḿ ɗāa-ň kàndà.
I am pounding meat so my mother can make 'kanda' sauce with it.