
type of large, thick cricket


  • kɨ́-ndīŕ-kɔ̀dɨ̄

    house cricket {lit: the cricket blacksmith}


    kɨ́-ndīŕ-kɔ̀dɨ̀-gɨ̄ bà̰y-n̄ kɨ́ dùm̄ kàm kújɨ́ tɨ́ lò-ḿ.

    There are entirely too many crickets in my house.

  • kɨ́-ndīŕ-kāgɨ̄

    tree cricket


    kɨ́-ndīŕ-kāgɨ̄ ndā-n̄ ndūu ngá̰y.

    Tree crickets make a lot of noise.

  • kɨ́-ndīŕ-gír-kó-kāŕ

    type of cricket found in ^^ tree

Exemples d'usage:

  • kɨ́-ndīŕ à kōo kūl-ú.

    The cricket chirps in the cold season.

  • M-ā tíngā kɨ́-ndīr m̄-sá kàrī, yá̰a̰ màdɨ̄ kɨ́rā ɗāa-m̄ àĺ.

    I'm just going to have to grill the crickets and eat them, I don't feel like anything else.