here; there
Grammatical note:
see also 'ɗàn,ndìn'
lòo-ń (ɗèē) tèn yé lā
the short time he's (been) here
Exemple:Lòo-ń ī-ɗèē tèn yé lā ī-ɗɔ̄ɔ̄ wòy yáà?
The short time you've been here and you're fighting already?
lā tèn
here is {at end of sentence}
Exemple:ɗóo kàw̄-ḿ ɓēe-é lā tèn.
Here is the road I went home on.
tītɨ̄ bè tèn
like this
Exemple:ī-ná̰ā̰ ndīr bùdɨ̀ ɓó-nèē àdɨ̄-á màjɨ̀ tītɨ̄ bè tèn wà?
Who cooked the 'bude' plant today so that it's so good? [lit: ... it-is-good like this INT?]
Exemples d'usage:
ī-hɔ́ ɗóo ń tò tèn sám āw-ň ɓēe-é.
Take the road here straight and go home.