

Grammatical note:

clause normally ends in 'dá/yé/à', ^^, or ^^


  • lòo-ń tɨ́ ɗéè-ń?

    where on earth?


    Lòo-ń tɨ́ ɗéè-ń ī-lā kɔ̀sɨ̀ tɨ́?

    Where on earth did you put the hoe?

  • lòo-ń kàn

    when, if


    Lòo-ń kàn tɔ́gɨ́ ngè-mò̰y gòtóo dá, à tɨ́tá-n̄-á lā àw̄-n̄ sì-á lòo ndògɨ̄ màn̄ tɨ́ yé.

    When a sick person has no strength, they'll support him and bring him to where he can bathe.

Exemples d'usage:

  • Lòo-ń ngār̀ à ndì àw̄ mbāa dá gṵ̀mḭ́yà̰-gɨ̄ à pārēe-n̄ síndá lò-á kám-tā̰á̰ lā ɓày dɔ̀-á tɔ̀ӯ yé.

    When the chief is going to travel, his servants prepare his horse first and then he mounts and rides off.