
good fortune


  • m-ɔ̄r-ī kɨ̀ mɨ́lá.

    I catch you at a fortunate time {in that you're about to eat, so i can join you}


    m-ɔ̄r-ī kɨ̀ mɨ́lá dɔ̀ mbùr̄ tɨ́ lò kó̰o̰-ḿ.

    I have caught you at a good time eating the boule of my mother.

  • mɨ́lá hɔ̀ [dèē]

    [s.o.] be fortunate

Exemples d'usage:

  • Mɨ́lá lò-á ì ngá̰y ā ī mbā-á à ā ī-ngá-á àĺ.

    If he is lucky and you're trying to get him you won't find him.