justice, trial
ndíl sèríì (=lòo sèríì)
court, place of justice
lòo sèríì
trial; hearing
Exemple:J-àw̄ lòo sèríì tɨ́ ngōn-kɨ́-màndɨ̀ kɨ̀ ngōn-kɨ́-bàsá.
We are going to the trial of the young woman and the young man.
plaintiff; accused
gāng sèríì
administer justice
Exemple:Ngār̀ à gāng sèríì Mā̰ysālāá.
The chief administers justice in Moissala.
ɗāa sèríì
hold court
gāng sèríì dɔ̀ [dèē] tɨ́
judge [s.o.] at a trial