
web [of spider]


  • kùm [dèē] jō dùndō

    have cloudy vision, not see clearly


    Kùm bɨ́gá à jō dùndō.

    Old people have cloudy vision.

  • jō dùndō

    to weave a web

  • lā dùndō kàm kùm [dèē] tɨ́

    to cloud [s.o.'s] vision with magic

Exemples d'usage:

  • Kón̄g ndūr rō-ǹ gúrí-gúrí kàm dùndō súu tɨ́.

    The fly wiggled about in the spider's web.

  • Súu lā yā dùndō tà-kújɨ́ tɨ́ ń-ɗàn nò.

    The spider made a web across that doorway there.