type of catfish [Bagrus bayad]
Exemples d'usage:
dɨ̀pā ì kānjɨ̄ kɨ́ tītɨ̄ ndèl̄ bè nà̰ ndàa; dɔ̀-á dūú tɔ̀ӯ dɔ̀ ndèl̄. Mbāý-á ì ngá̰y.
It's a fish similar to the ^^ catfish, but it's light-colored; its head is smaller then that of the ^^ catfish. It has a long beard.
Dɨ̀pā ì kānjɨ̄ kɨ́ màjɨ̀ tá̰a̰ ngá̰y.
The catfish is a fish which is excellent in sauces.