


    Exemples d'usage:

    • jām ì dā̰a̰ kɨ́ tītɨ̄ kàgɨ̀ bè nà̰ dūú gō-á tɨ́, ndāŕ-á ì kɨ̀ dáng hō. à hɔ̀ bḭ̄yā̰-gɨ̄ kɨ̀ ngán dā̰a̰-gɨ̄.

      The caracal is an animal like the leopard, but it's smaller; its skin is spotted. It catches goats and small animals.

    • Ndīi à ndà tùbò à à tél jām.

      {Proverb} If a lion is caught in the rain it turns into a caracal. {i.e. when you are poor, people don't consider you at all.}