
type of tree [Pterocarpus lucens]

Grammatical note:

small yellow flower, small round green fruit


  • tá̰a̰-ɓùndùr

    type of sauce made from this plant


    ā ó̰o̰ tá̰a̰-ɓùndùr à ā ā̰y màn̄ ngá̰y.

    If you eat this type of sauce you will drink a lot of water.

Exemples d'usage:

  • ɓùndùr ì kāgɨ̄ kɨ́ mbī-á à ndīr-n̄ tá̰a̰ tɨ́ hō bḭ̄yā̰-gɨ̄ à sà-n̄ hō.

    ____ is a tree whose leaf is cooked in sauces or eaten by goats.