
mahogany tree [Khaya senegalensis]


    Exemples d'usage:

    • Kāgɨ̄ dīl bòo ngá̰y, kàdɨ̀-á àtɨ̄ ngá̰y. Ndíl dīl màjɨ̀ ngá̰y. Kāgɨ̄-á à tɔ́sɨ̄-n̄ tòo tɨ́. ì kāgɨ̄ kɨ́ ndíl-kɨ́-yèr-gɨ̄ à ɗà-n̄ tɨ́ ngá̰y.

      The mahogany is very large, its bark is very bitter. Its shade is excellent. Its wood is used for carving pirogues. It's a tree in which many evil spirits live.

    • ā ī-nā̰a̰ dīl kám-tā̰á̰ lā ā ōo kàtɨ̄-á yé.

      {Saying} Taste the mohagony first before you know what bitterness is. {i.e. you think I'm someone you can walk over, but you'd better watch out.}