type of grass [Sansevieria liberica]
Exemples d'usage:
kɨ́-mbōó ì mṵ̀ṵ kɨ́ mbī-á tátɨ́ nà̰ ngāl. Lòo-ń dèē-gɨ̄ àw̄-n̄ mbōo ànḛ̄ ngán-gɨ̄ à rétɨ̄ dɔ̀ɔ̄-n̄ nà̰ā̰-tɨ́ ndà-n̄ bèŕ à à kōo póò tītɨ̄ búndɨ́ bè. Dùl à à̰ӯ kɨ̄ bándɨ́-á.
____ is a grass with a long wide blade. When people go hunting, children tie it together and hit it against the ground and it makes a booming noise like a rifle. The duikers flee into the nets.