type of tree [Ficus sp.]
Exemples d'usage:
mbáӯ-ɓòdɨ̀ ì kāgɨ̄ kɨ́ bòo; bɨ́rā̰ý-gɨ̄ à sà-n̄ kàndɨ̄-á ngá̰y hō dèē-gɨ̄ à sà-n̄ hō. Mbī-á bòo ngá̰y àĺ; rō kāgɨ̄-á ndàa. Ndíl-á ì ngá̰y.
It's a large tree; the blue birds love to eat its fruit, and people eat it as well. Its leaf is not very large; its wood is white. It gives a lot of shade.