
type of palm tree [Borassus aethiopum]

Grammatical note:

young roots ('njābɨ̄rā') edible; leaf used in making baskets and filters


  • bòo-màr

    leaf of palm tree

  • ngúl̄-màr (=njābɨ̄rā)

    edible root of palm tree seedlings


    Kàndɨ̄ màr à dùbɨ̄-n̄ lā à àndɨ̄ ngúl̄-màr yé.

    When the fruit of the palm tree is planted it produces an edible root.

  • pál̄-màr

    mat made from leaf of palm tree

Exemples d'usage:

  • Màr ì kāgɨ̄ kɨ́ ɔ̀r̄ sór ngá̰y. Kàndɨ̄-á kɨ́ kɨ̀rē yīkɨ̄ ngá̰y. Mbī màr kɨ́ dūú à jō-n̄-nèé kèē hō pál̄ hō.

    It's a tall straight tree. Its red fruit is very sweet. Its leaf when small is used to weave baskets and mats.