
type of vine


    Exemples d'usage:

    • kɨ́-rōm ì dḭ̀ḭ kɨ́ tītɨ̄ ɓɔ̀l bè. Dèē-gɨ̄ à jà ndīr-n̄ ndā-n̄ màn̄ tɨ́ àdɨ̄ wōng-á tèē túu-bè kám-tā̰á̰ lā à sà-n̄ yé. ì yá̰a̰ kɨ́ dèē-gɨ̄ à sà-n̄ kōo-ɓōo tɨ́.

      ____ is a vine similar to the ^^ yam. People cut it and cook it and place it in water to get out all its poison first and then they eat it. It's something eaten in times of famine.