type of frog with red legs
Exemples d'usage:
kɨ́-ɗāng ì kà̰r̄ kɨ́ dūú sḭ́ḭ bè. Njà-á kɨ̀rē wòkɨ̀kɨ̀-wòkɨ̀kɨ̀. Dèē-gɨ̄ à tíngā sà-n̄. à ndì bɔ̄tɨ̄ yá̰a̰-kōo-gɨ̄ tɨ́. ɓàr à ùdɨ̀ kám-lā à tèē yé.
____ is a fairly small frog. Its legs are bright red. People grill and eat it. It lives in the space between millet plants. It appears in the rainy season.
kɨ́-ɗāng ì nápàr kà̰r̄ kɨ́ dèē-gɨ̄ à sà-n̄.
____ is a type of frog that people eat.