
type of hornbill

Grammatical note:

see also 'dúrú'


    Exemples d'usage:

    • tíyāng ì yèl̄ kɨ́ bòo kɨ́ ɓàr-á à ɓīi ndōrī tɨ́. Kɨ̄ngā-tà-á tɔ̀ӯ dɔ̀ rō-á. Mbáӯ-gɨ̄ èl-n̄ àn à dùbɨ̄ wúl̄ hō: wúl̄ lò-á tītɨ̄ wúl̄ sàr̄ bè nà tɔ̄ɔ̄-á ì wúl̄-lò-tíyāng.

      The hornbill is a big bird that sleeps on empty termite hills in the rainy season. Its beak is large in relation to its body. The Mbay say that it also plants peanuts: its peanuts are similar to groundnuts and they're called "hornbill nuts".