scrubbing, pounding, scratching, etc.
Grammatical note:
infinitive of 'ùsɨ̀'
bàr-kùsɨ̀-wúl̄ (=bàr-rìī-wúl̄)
board for crushing peanuts
Exemple:bàr-kùsɨ̀-wúl̄ ì yá̰a̰ lò Bāyā-gɨ̄, à rìī-n̄-nèé wúl̄.
A peanut crusher is a thing of the Central Africans, they use it to crush peanuts.
Exemples d'usage:
Kāgɨ̄ ń-há̰ à nò̰ó̰-ǹ ùsɨ̀ tā kùsɨ̀.
That tree over there does nothing but scratch (people).