risking life of
Grammatical note:
in expression '^MB^ [dèē] húl̄-á' 'take one's life into one's hands, risk one's life'
Exemples d'usage:
Ngōn kɨ́ mósɨ́-yòo-á à húl̄-á àw̄ ɓògɨ̀ ásɨ̀gàr-gɨ̄.
The child who is always risking his life will go steal from the soldiers.
mósɨ́-yòo-ḿ húl̄-m̄ àdɨ̄ m̄-ɗèē gògɨ́ Mā̰ysālāá.
I risked my life to come back to Moissala.