
type of vine


    Exemples d'usage:

    • Màsɨ̄-wàa ì dḭ̀ḭ kɨ́ à àl bèŕ. Mbī-á tītɨ̄ mbī màsɨ̄ bè. à ùr-n̄ gír-á nàjɨ̀-n̄ àdɨ̄ tùtɨ̀ nà à ɔ̀sɨ̀-n̄ mbúrúng-mbúrúng kúl̄ ò̰o̰-n̄ kɨ̀tɔ̄ nìngà-màsɨ̄.

      It's a vine that grows on the ground. Its leaves are like the leaves of the tamarind tree. Its root is dug up and dried and then pounded thoroughly and cooked into a sauce and taken as a remedy for the stomach disease called ^^.