relationship, friendship
nōjɨ̄ àmáǹ
friendships based on trust, loyal friends
Exemple:nōjɨ̄ àmáǹ ì nōjɨ̄ kɨ́ dúnyà tɨ́ wàlá ì nōjɨ̄ kòjɨ̀ àĺ.
Loyal friendships are friendships made in the world and not friendships based on birth.
Exemples d'usage:
Ngōn-kó̰o̰-á tḭ́ḭ nōjɨ̄ ń ì-n̄-nèé kɨ̀ ngār̀ nò.
His brother destroyed the relationship he had with the chief.