
République centrafricaine


    Exemples d'usage:

    • Kɨ̀-ɗāa ɓāl jōó Bàngí dá kɨ̀-ɓày Bàngí dá kɨ̀-ɗèē Sár̀. Sár̀ kɨ̀-ɗāa ɓāl mɨ̀tá, kɨ̀-ɓày Sár̀ dá kɨ̀-ɗèē j-àw̄ kɨ̀-ndɨ̀ Dīlīí.

      We stayed two years in Central Africa, left Central Africa and came to Sarh. In Sarh we stayed three years, then we left Sarh and went to stay in Beboro.