
kitty cat {informal}

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keep secret

Grammatical note:

obj. follows prep. 'dɔ̀'

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kerchief, handkerchief

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Grammatical note:

locally made by blacksmiths 'kɔ̀dɨ̄'


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Grammatical note:

see also 'kó̰o̰-kɨ̀lē' 'lock'

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knitted cloth {usually used for covering 'boule'}

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kidney; lower back

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kitchen, one room grass house used for cooking

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knock down on

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king {cards}

Grammatical note:

worth 4 points in 'kósɨ̄'

Kan subgroup of Mbay {around Koldaga canton - dialect has many differences}

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Kaba {Sara people living southwest of the Mbay towards Gore and in Central Africa}

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Kabalay - non-Sara people living in area around Lai

Grammatical note:

includes Kabalay, Mesme, Lele and Kim

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karite nuts carried to another tree by bats

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kindly (console)

Grammatical note:

desc. of 'gól̄'

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karite fruit which is ripe and fallen off tree

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kindness, goodness

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keep cool, make cool

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Grammatical note:

currently imported from Nigeria

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kindness, goodness, generosity; good deeds


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kerchoo {desc. of ^^ 'sneeze'}

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Kotoko {people inhabiting river areas near Ndjamena}

Grammatical note:

known as fishermen; also considered great sorcerers


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koranic studies


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Khadaffi {Libyan leader}

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Koumra {important Sar town 75 kms. north of Moissala}

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karite tree [Vitellaria paradoxa]

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kola nut [Cola nitida]

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