tobacco [Nicotiana sp.]
terrific thief
type of yam {possibly [Xanthosoma mafaffa]}
type of large beetle with light brown shell
type of tree [Detarium microcarpum]
type of palm tree [Borassus aethiopum]
young roots ('njābɨ̄rā') edible; leaf used in making baskets and filters
thank goodness! i'm glad of that!
type of net
tamerind tree [Tamarindus indica]
type of rat
throw [numerous objects] at
thick pulpy juice
tightly (tie)
type of tree with edible fruit [Annona senegalensis]
similar to sweetsop
type of dance borrowed from the Ngam
thing that lasts a long time
taste, flavor
tsetse fly
try to get [s.o.], be after [s.o.]
transitory, temporary
type of beetle, weevil
throne {fig.}
'ndì dà ^MB^ tɨ́' 'sit on throne, be king'
this year
type of tree [Jatropha sp.]
type of small tree
twig wilter bug {bug with oddly shaped legs, which suck sap from plants}
derived from 'kíl-ḿ-tɨ́' on my elbows', describing how this insect seems to walk
troublesome, trouble
type of tree
type of yam
type of initiation done by Bedege and Ngam
type of hairless caterpillar with red head and grey body
tanner, leather worker
type of card game
same as Arabic game 'arbatasher'
trickster, hustler
troublesome one {fig.}, normally a child
tusk (elephant)
twist, bend
thorn bush; tree [Acacia ataxacantha] and [Acacia macrostachya]
thoroughly (covered with dew)
in expression 'tàl hɔ̀ ^MB^' 'the area was wet with dew'
treat interior of gourd with red clay
talk in a low voice to
type of insect that eats beans
type of rat with large stomach
type of small satchel or sack
traces of, signs of
type of plant
type of, style of
type of sweet dumpling
type of reed-like tree [Oxytenanthera abyssinica]
twister, little tornado
temptation {chr.}
type of short thick snake
two or three karite nuts in a single pod
type of grass from which broom is made
possibly a type of 'yér̄' grass
type of two-sided drum
treat, cure
type of game played with rocks in holes
type of dance done on stilts
type of small grasshopper
type of game {somewhat similar to tag}
tree squirrel {gambia squirrel}
type of vine with edible tuber
the world
trouble, problems
try to catch
trample; break up; tear up
type of gourd, used to store seeds or to carry water to field [Lagenaria sp.]
see also 'ngóo,jànī'
taste (of drink before buying)
follows nouns
twirls in circles, whirls
commonly in expression 'ɗāa dér-kétē-gɨ̄' 'spin around in circles
then; and so; and then
teeny; extremely (tiny)
to the brim (full)
type of playful dance
in expression 'kɨ̄ ^MB^ kɨ̄ làā' 'here and there'
type of large reddish snake
trunk [elephant]
that, if
introduces indirect discourse; conjugated like verb
type of evil spell
type of fish {perhaps [Distichodus sp.]}
type of wild onion [Cissus quadrangularis]
type of playful dance
type of mild millet beer
see also 'bìl-bíl̀'
tap, slap
type of millet, which like ^^ normally has bran removed (^^) before grinding into flour
twirl around or about
thick black wasp
see also 'yētɨ̄/gùmbā', ^^
Tumak {Chadic people living in area around Gundi}
type of snail; shell of this snail
then {indicates preceding clause occurs prior to following clause: normally followed by ^^ clause}
type of sauce made with sesame flour
thoroughly (scatter)
type of black monkey
truck interior {riding in the interior is more costly than riding in back}
that's the way, such is how
clause following often ends in 'lā'
trick {cards}
tightly (hold)
type of dance
type of millet beer
to give
infinitive of àdµ
Tumak {Chadic people living north of Gulay in area around Gundi: the Mbay do not differentiate Ndom from Tumak}
type of fish [Tetraodon fahaka]
type of bug {probably type of stink bug}
type of tiny ants
toad, frog
type of sauce made with pumpkin and peanut butter
type of termite
type of large, thick cricket
type of mushroom with black powder inside when dry
termite hill
that, to
to such a point that, that
that {before imbedded questions}
that {emphatic form}
take a portion of, break off some of
type of game similar to jacks
type of huge caterpillar
tape recorder
type of black fly {bites}
thick (clouds)
type of grasshopper with a pointed head
type of grass {used in making grass fencing}
type of plant used to treat diarrhea in children
trace, tracks of
times of, period of
tightly (stuff)
desc. of ^^
type of tree
type of fishing net
torch of bunch of straw
see 'ngèl' 'bunch of straw'
type of net made of grass
type of gourd [Lagenaria sp.]
see also 'ngóo,gàl̄'
type of beer
type of broom made of branches {used to sweep ground of compounds}
see also 'ndìsā'
thick part of [liquid]
time when people gather around fireside and hear stories, proverbs, riddles, etc.
type of river snake
term of consolation used with children
ends sentence
tool for carving wood
type of large grey house rat which has invaded Mbay area from Central Africa
type of light grey rat
lives by river
type of fat-legged spider
thank you; thank goodness; enjoy your food
type of insect that traps flies in sand
tightly (hold, seize)
type of plant
type of beetle that destroys yams
tightly, completely (fill {hard things})
desc. of ^^ 'fill', used with hard things
toe sore
tough-guy, strong and ruthless person
lit: not an animal a child should fight
type of white 'boule' normally eaten in milk, sold by Muslim women
type of 'long' sauce made of beans without pods
tobacco residue found in pipes
to wish evil upon
teacher in koranic school
type of plant which grows on grass fencing [Momordica sp.]
tripe, stomach
traces of, signs of
Tuniya subgroup of Sar (Madjinjgay), whose origins are not Sara
their language is called 'tàa ^MB^/Yìlìm,Hōr-màn̄'; see also ^^
type of millet with large grains
type of 'gɔ̀jɨ̀'
this, that
this; that
tea glass
type of small yellow fruit
the Big Dipper {constellation}
type of yam with large heart shaped leaf
lit: 'lá-tà-í-màn̄-á' 'put your mouth in the water' as it makes one thirsty
type of sauce made of beans
type of spell
thump thump (sound of pounding millet into flour)
desc. of 'ùr'
terribly (worried, upset)
desc. of 'kàm dèē tɔ́sɨ̄-á'
then, and so, and then
type of large rodent
Touperi {Chadic people living in Mayo-Kebbi prefecture around Fianga}
totally (stomped)
to shreds (torn)
in expression 'ṵ̀ṵ̄ jùng-jùng' 'be torn up'
type of grass
tilt, lean
type of bird of prey
thicken by cooking
two-wheeled push cart for transporting merchandise
take up, seize {in hand}
to pray
tie {sev.times}
type of yam in shape of fat hand
type of small scorpion
type of very short shorts {lit: bald on the rump of the Gbaya}
type of small white monkey {known for commonly biting dogs}
type of vine
type of tree
thanks to, by the grace of
type of black civet cat or mongoose
tree bark used to fix holes in pirogues
thickly (boil)
term of mockery, in which speaker ironically agrees with what he has heard.
always ends clause
type of plant
type of whip
made of branches of 'gúm' tree with leaves stripped off
type of poisonous snake
type of civet cat
type of short black horse, excellent runner
type of cloth; pants made from this cloth
thanks to
thickener {used in some sauces, peanut butter, etc.}
twist fiber to make [rope]
term of respect {for elders}
turn about in mouth
things one has worked for
type of urinary infection
type of sweet manioc
type of beer
type of yellow orange ant of medium size {eats sugar; doesn't bite}
type of grass
type of large hen that doesn't lay many eggs
type of leash for dogs, with stick to keep them back
type of squash
type of grass [Schizachyrium sanguineum]
thickly (pour out)
type of small chicken
troublemaker {lit: I saw I told them}
totally (stunned)
in expression 'kùm [dèē] ndōgɨ̄ ^MB^' 'to be completely stunned, to see stars'
type of field lizard
type of charm ('gri-gri'), normally kept in small leather pouch and worn on string around neck
form of protection against spells
thin and bent (people)
type of large lizard (varan)
then, at that point
the very end
the last time; the other day
take out {with hands going in and out}
type of tall grass [Pennisetum pedicellatum]
type of barbed spear
top {spinning} made from snail shell
type of large spider
twist {to make rope}
trunk, suitcase {for carrying or storing clothes}
tear off, rip off
tin {from tin roofing}
type of small drum
to the brim (fill {liquid})
turn upside down
obj. is 'tà [yá̰a̰]'
type of woman's jacket or blouse
take; grab
thongs, rubber sandals
tire, wheel
throne, chair [for chief]
thoroughly (mixed)
trying to catch breath (breathe)
type of poisonous snake {cobra, 'spitting' snake}
type of spear with wide blade
type of fierce rat
type of filter or strainer {made from the stem of palm (^^) leaf}
tongs {of blacksmith}
traditional dance of Sara and Gor
bulk tea imported from Zaire; tea in small plastic bags is from Cameroon
towel; napkin
type of rat
type of bicycle with thick tires
lit: crush-termites
type of comic dance
tightly (fill)
type of basket with handle
type of basket with handle
termite hill with rounded top
type of bean sauce
type of fish spear
termite hill
type of small drum consisting of two small drums attached together
type of grass [Hyparrhenia bagirmica]
type of frog with large legs
toilet, wc
type of pants
type of cloth {hand woven -- no longer made}
toy drum made from gourd
type of tree with thick white sap in branches and leaves; small white flowers, large white globulous inedible fruit [Calotropis procera]
thick bottom part of millet beer
type of small tree [Crateva adansonii]
type of cookie made with millet bran and flour
type of bamboo chair
lit: my father is tired
type of climbing plant with grape-like fruit
type of tree
tape cassette {currently imported from Nigeria}
turban used to protect face
type of fly
type of snake
type of edible tuber
type of white butterfly
type of large beetle
type of little fish with extended stomach
see 'ngónjɨ́/kɨ́-ɓàa', ^^
trunk [elephant]
type of edible tuber {taste similar to apple} [Raphionacme brownii]
type of bird {weaver or grossbeak}
type of plant [Urena lobata]
type of bush
type of bush
type of small black ant
very common in compounds
type of fish [Polypterus]
tough guy, dangerous person
type of clay pot with base
thickly (grow {hair})
type of small light colored mouse
pl. 'ngán-njà-gɨ̄'
twist [s.t.] around/out
termite of any species
talk to oneself; mumble
type of millet beer made with no leavening
type of small fish [Schilbe uranoscopus]
type of okra
type of cyst
that's it, that's right!
type of poisonous snake {cobra, 'spitting snake'}
type of small insect
teacher {elementary school}
tax collector, person who collects for chief in market
type of grass
ticket given by cotton company as receipt for cotton weighed for purchase
often associated with ability to disappear using magic
tall, thin person
type of grass, which was formerly mixed with leaves from ^^ tree to make a blue dye
trouble [against s.o.]
to a pulp {in expression ^^ 'beat to a pulp'}
tiny piece of straw or grass
thick and sticking up
in expression 'gír [dèē] ^MB^' '[s.o.] have thick high buttocks'
terribly (unlucky); completely (be a failure)
two (cards)
tilt, tip to one side
normally preceded by 'ndɔ̄ɔ̄'
type of grasshopper
type of tree [Ziziphus mauritiana]
lit: 'kɔ̄n-m-úgɨ́-ī' 'thorn I scratch you'
type of frog with red legs
type of trap
type of fish [Polypterus sp.]
type of fish [Polypterus]
type of fish [Alestes nurse]
type of fish [Barbus occidentalis]
type of large fish [Heterotis niloticus]
this; that
type of fish [Ophiocephalus obscurus]
type of fish [Ophiocephalus obscurus]
type of eel-like fish with sharp teeth [Protopterus annectens]
type of large fish
similar to 'kèsèng'
type of fish [Hydrocyon forskali]
type of tree [Ficus polita]
type of fish trap
type of fish [Alestes macrolepidotus]
type of small fish [Ctenopoma petherici]
type of fish [Hepsetus odoe]
type of catfish [Synodontis batensoda]
type of catfish [Clarotes laticeps]
type of catfish [Chrysichthys auratus]
type of catfish [Auchenoglanis biscutatus]
type of fish [Labeo senegalensis]
type of catfish [Bagrus bayad]
type of tree [Pericopsis laxiflora]
type of small kob [Kobus sp.]
type of rat
type of large rabbit or hare
type of fish [Hydrocyon forskali]
type of fish [Tilapia galilaea]
type of fish [Distichodus rostratus]
type of gourd; spoon made from it
type of large antelope
type of large waterbuck [Kobus sp.]
type of hummingbird
lit: the one who dances with you
type of large fish
type of children's game
type of bird
throwing net
type of fish net
type of termite
termite hill
the day before yesterday
type of ^^ millet
type of tree, used in making 'long sauce' [Grewia venusta]
truth, clarity
truth, clarity
thick scar
tree that is always filled with birds
optional complement: name of bird species
that's how, that's the way
type of tree [Moringa oleifera]
teacher {female - in elementary school}
type of net for fishing
type of dance
type of insect living in hole in ground
type of dance {done by the Kan}
type of dance
type of dance
type of tree [Strychnos sp.]
type of bush
type of vine
type of vine
type of tree [Sterculia setigera]
type of tree {possibly rubber tree [Landolphia owariensis]}
small white flour, small round green fruit
type of tree [Combretum glutinosum]
type of bush with tiny sweet red fruit
type of large tree [Ficus sp.]
type of grass
type of grass [Imperata cylindrica]
type of bush [Amaranthus cruentus]
type of plant
type of large tree [Daniellia oliveri]
numerous small white flours, long light-colored pod
type of tree [Pterocarpus lucens]
small yellow flower, small round green fruit
type of plant [Sida rhombifolia]
type of tree {probably [Canarium schweinfurthii]}
type of grass
type of grass [Eleusine indica]
type of bitter manioc {possibly [Manihot glaziovii]}
type of briar
type of tree {reed-like}
type of large tree [Ficus ingens]
small flours, small round red fruit
type of tree [Prosopis africana]
turn {in game}
type of small grasshopper
type of long sickle
type of tree [Gardenia erubescens]
rare alternate to 'kɨ́-māsī' used in songs
type of small tree
type of tree [Isoberlinia doka]
type of plant
lit: hyena bone
type of tree [Parinari curatellifolia]
type of bush [Securidaca longepedunculata]
type of grass
type of bush
type of plant
type of tree
type of bush [Combretum collinum]
type of weed
type of vine [Cyphostemma adenocaule]
type of plant
type of tree
type of tree
type of plant
type of plant
type of plant
type of plant
type of plant or small bush [Piliostigma thoningii]
type of grass [Sansevieria liberica]
type of bush
type of plant [Bulbostylis sp.]
type of tree {probably [Kigelia africana]}
lit: my long breasts
type of grass
type of tree [Syzygium guineense]
type of tree [Vitex doniana]
type of grass
type of tree [Amblygonocarpus andongensis]
type of small tree
type of tree [Ficus sp.]
type of grass [Schizachyrium sanguineum]
type of small tree [Lonchocarpus laxiflorus]
type of tree
type of weed
type of tree [Lophira lanceolata]
type of bitter manioc
type of tree [Gardenia erubescens]
type of tall grass, used in making grass fencing [Cymbopogon giganteus]
type of plant {probably [Hygrophila auriculata]}
type of bush
type of tree
type of tree [Ficus platyphylla]
type of vine
type of bush [Grewia cissoides]
type of bush
type of plant
type of tree
type of bush
type of plant [Cassia occidentalis]
type of bush [Crotalaria sp.]
type of plant
type of tree
type of small tree
commonly grown in compounds; leaf used for sauce
type of tree
type of tree {probably [Ficus glumosa]}
type of plant [Sesbania pachycarpa]
type of plant
type of tree with long thorns and with small oval yellowish fruit [Balanites aegyptiaca]
type of tree [Moringa oleifera], leaves used in sauce
commonly used to tie up grass fencing; small round leaves
type of tree [Moringa oleifera]
type of bush
type of tree [Ziziphus mauritiana]
type of broad-leafed tree [Uapaca togoensis]
type of bush
type of plant with reddish color and tuber which is similar to tapioca
type of tree
type of plant [Cissampelos mucronata]
thicket; area covered with bushes and trees
type of grass
type of tree
small white flowers, dark colored pods
type of bush
type of tree
type of tree
type of bush
type of plant
type of bush [Desmodium velutinum]
type of tree [Sclerocarya birrea]
type of tree
type of bush [Securinega virosa]
type of tree [Entada sp.]
type of tree [Entada sp.]
type of tree
type of tree [Hymenocardia acida]
type of vine with fruit used in sauce [Momordica sp.]
type of tree or large thorn bush [Acacia albida]
type of bush
type of weed
type of weed
type of grass
type of grass
type of vine
type of bush used to clean teeth
type of small tree
type of plant, leaf used in sauce [Solanum aethiopicum]
type of bush {possibly [Adenodolichos paniculatus]}
type of bush
type of bush
type of tree
temperamental person
type of insect
type of poisonous snake
totally (ashamed)
desc. of 'rō-sɔ̀l̄ hɔ̀-á' 'be ashamed'
type of straw mat made with flexible palm
normally imported from north
type of edible insect
type of insect
type of venereal disease
type of thick cloth formerly handwoven on loom
type of bamboo-like tree [Mitragyna inermis]
type of frog
the whole thing, all of it
termite-like insect that eats outside of sweet potato
type of grasshopper
trouble maker
tool for carving pirogue
type of large fly
thing with piece broken off
limited to certain expressions
type of fish [Schilbe uranoscopus]
type of small ant
about the size of the ant 'kɨ́-tìtè'
type of bitter manioc
type of bean with spotted grain
lit. 'tree beans'; often planted in cotton fields,where they grow up dead trees
type of red yam [Dioscorea sagittifolia]
type of ^^ yam, considered special and often served to guests
type of yam (^^) which ripens very slowly
type of yam with white interior
type of ^^ yam with hair-like exterior and white interior
type of yam in shape of fat hand
type of ^^ yam with reddish interior
type of peanut introduced by French agricultural agency BTBA
small grains
type of peanut with large grain but little oil, commonly used to make peanut butter
type of bean with light brown grain
type of bean with light-colored grain
type of beans with grey grains
type of bean with brownish grain
type of bean with fat white grain
type of bean with brown and white grain, considered very sweet
type of bean with small black grain
commonly used in sauce 'gùmsɨ̀'
type of bean
type of bean with small red grain, planted twice in one season [Vigna unguiculata]
type of garden bean with very fat white grain [Mucuna pruriens]
lit: snake beans
type of bean with small red grain
type of toad
type of large inedible squash [Citrullus lanatus] whose seeds are used for making oil
type of okra harvested in dry season
type of okra harvested in rainy season
type of plant whose leaves are used for sauce
type of plant grown for leaves that are used in sauce
type of small yellow eggplant used in making medicines
type of squash [Lagenaria siceraria]
type of plant with shiny dark green leaf, grown for leaves which are used in sauce
type of plant grown for leaves which are used in sauce
type of fat white eggplant
type of small green eggplant
type of small round light-colored eggplant [Solanum gilo]
too, also
trouble making
lit: 'piercing the eye'
thoroughly (wind,twist)
type of ^^ sorghum
reddish grains
that, that event spoken of
type of small tree
type of mushroom
lit: 'guinea hen head' mushroom
type of reddish mushroom
lit: sheep mushroom
type of white mushroom
type of bush
type of tree
type of vine
type of tree [Gardenia ternifolia]
type of tree
type of bush
type of plant
type of white mushroom
lit: sand mushroom
type of grass
type of plant
type of plant, 'sisal hemp' [Agave sisalana]
type of tree
type of plant
type of wild millet
type of wild millet
type of plant
type of plant [Cassia occidentalis]
type of plant
type of plant
type of grass used to make a type of broom
type of plant
type of reddish mushroom
type of flock bird
type of blue bird
type of river bird
type of small river bird
type of plant
type of white mushroom
type of whitish mushroom
lit: 'covet the rainy season' mushroom
type of reddish mushroom
type of dark-colored mushroom
type of yellow mushroom
type of mushroom
type of plant with bitter root
type of mushroom
lit: tree mushroom
type of light red mushroom
type of whitish mushroom
lit: milk mushroom
type of mushroom
type of mushroom, first of season to appear
type of mushroom
type of mushroom
lit: egg mushroom
type of mushroom
type of edible mushroom
type of light blue mushroom
type of inedible mushroom
type of white mushroom
type of brown mushroom
type of mushroom
lit: buffalo mushroom
type of plant
type of grass used to make brooms
type of bush
lit: parasitic plant of the earth
type of onion [Cissus quadrangularis]
type of grass [Pennisetum pedicellatum]
type of tree
type of tree [Pericopsis laxiflora]
type of bush
type of bitter manioc
type of plant
type of plant
type of plant [Tephrosia bracteolata]
type of tree
type of tall grass [Andropogon gayanus]
type of tree
type of tree
type of tree [Terminalia sp.]
type of plant
type of tree [Azadirachta indica]
type of bush [Trema orientalis]
type of plant
type of plant
type of eggplant with bright yellow fruit
type of tree [Burkea africana]
type of plant
type of bush {possibly [Cassia siamea]}
type of plant
type of plant
type of small plant
type of thorny tree
type of tree [Ficus dekdekena]
type of wild millet
type of plant
lit: pigeon's beans
type of plant
type of plant
lit: spider's beans
type of grass
type of plant with edible tuber
type of weed [Striga hermonthica]
noted for the extensive damage it does to the millet crop
type of grass
type of tree [Anogeissus leiocarpus]
type of tree
type of grass [Schizachyrium sanguineum]
type of plant with edible tuber
type of bush
type of vine [cissus populnea]
type of tree [Cordia africana]
type of edible tuber [Xanthosoma mafaffa]
root virtually identical to 'màkɨ̀bòo', but plant is different
type of grass
type of vine
type of falcon
type of short snake
type of short poisonous snake
type of long thin snake
type of lizard
type of yard lizard
type of large river lizard
type of bird
type of small bird {bronze mannikin or weaver}
type of small bird [red-cheeked cordon-bleu]
type of small bird
type of poisonous snake
type of partridge-like bird
type of river bird {plover}
type of small bird {weaver}
type of bustard
type of large colorful bird {plantain-eater or touraco}
type of long-tailed black field bird
type of kite
type of small frog
type of small bird (whydah sp.)
type of millet {like ^^, its bran is not removed before grinding into flour}
type of millet with white grains
type of ^^ sorghum
with pure white grains
type of ground snake
type of oriole
type of frog
type of large frog
type of large edible frog
type of frog with red legs
type of millet [Sorghum elegans]
differs from 'gɔ̀jɨ̀' in that its bran is removed before pounding into flour
type of bustard
type of millet (^^)
type of millet with small grains [Pennisetum typhoides]
type of small bird
type of long-tailed red bird
type of small bustard {Senegal or black-bellied bustard}
type of large bird {probably plaintain eater or touraco}
type of white-breasted field bird {Senegal coucal}
type of black field bird {probably glossy-backed drongo}
type of small bird {red bishop, considered variety of ^^}
type of small bird {bishop}
type of bird {possibly a quail}
type of small dove [long-tailed dove]
type of vine the fruit of which has rough sponge-like material used for bathing [Luffa acutangula/cylindrica]
type of light blue dove
type of small dove
type of small white-breasted dove [tambourine dove]
type of bird of prey
type of small bird {barbet and/or tinker bird}
type of small bird
type of river bird
type of small white-breasted dove
type of small bird {finch or weaver}
type of small kingfisher
type of bird
type of bird, known for bad smell
type of small duck
type of duck
type of large vulture
type of field bird {starling, shrike, or oriole}
type of bird of prey
type of oriole
type of bird
lit: chicken of death
type of vulture
type of flock bird
type of owl
type of owl {pearl-spotted owlet}
type of owl
thoroughly, tightly (stick)
type of small fish [Campylomormyrus tamandua]
type of initiation dance done by Ngam and Bedege
truth, truthful
type of bush
type of tree [Diospyros mespiliformis]
type of tall grass [Rottboellia exaltata]
type of mourning dove {red-eyed dove?}
lit: it gets dark on me in the forest
type of insect {known for eating a lot}
that, which, who, whom
used to introduce definite relative clauses -- see also 'kɨ́'
type of plant {used by Nigerians in sauces}
type of sauce made without flour, and without okra or 'gum'
type of short horse
test by feeling
track, race track
tranquility, gentleness, peacefulness, etc.
the Koy subgroup of Mbay
type of bush {used for brushing teeth - possibly same as ^^}
there, over there
all expressions listed under 'nò̰ó̰'
type of guinea fowl
lit: the rain kills me
this, the current
this year
trick played on children
type of large colorful bird {plantain-eater or touraco}
to the village; home {loc. of ^^}
common pronunciation of 'ɓēe-é'
type of large-leafed dark violet hibiscus whose bark is used in making rope [hibiscus cannabinus]
type of whip used in male initiation
traditional, genuinely Mbay
type of grass [Imperata cylandrica]
type of tall grass [Andropogon gayanus]
type of vine
type of grass {3 to 4 feet tall} [Andropogon gayanus]
type of plant
type of bush
type of tall plant {over 7 feet} with huge leaves
type of vine
type of vine [Cissus populnea]
type of tree
type of plant, similar to ^^, also used to make brooms
type of parasitic plant
type of bush
type of flock bird
trunk; suitcase
type of plant used in making sauces
type of tree [Ficus sp.]
type of manioc
Tatala {family name of canton chief in Moissala}
type of sorcerer {male}
type of weed
type of enamel basin
larger than 'dòjɨ̀/sàmbé-bèrléè', but smaller than ^^
type of basin
then, and so
normally preceded by 'dá̰,à̰/à̰nḛ̄' or ^^
that one there; those
indicates a relatively close distance from speaker
them (with sè when pronounced sè; thus, sè, but sè).
type of tree (see bāngá-tīw).
type of small tree, leaf used in sauce (see bāngá).
type of small tree, leaf used in sauce (see bāngá).
type of small bird {red bishop, considered variety of gōý-gɨ̄}.
twenty (see dɔ̀-jōó).
thirty (see dɔ̀-mɨ̀tá).
type of parasitic plant.
type of tree [Combretum glutinosum].
taste (of drink before buying) (see dɨ̀rà).
type of tree.
type of long fish net with round opening.
thicket; area covered with bushes and trees.
type of river sorcerer who catches people (see hàng).
type of game {somewhat similar to tag}.
type of bird {weaver or grossbeak}.
type of small bird {weaver}.
this year.
type of kite.
type of small yellow fruit.
type of plant grown for leaves which are used in sauce.
type of rat.
tall, thin person.
type of fat-legged spider.
type of fish net.
type of mushroom.
type of yellow mushroom.